a sense of entitlement

May 14th, 2008

By some people's logic, this how the economy is supposed to work:

  1. New companies emerge all the time.
  2. No companies ever close.
  3. Consumers always buy the cheaper and better products.
  4. No products ever become obsoleted and force the company to go out of business.

Sounds perfectly reasonable, doesn't it?

When a new company opens in a town and provides a thousand new jobs, there's noone protesting that this is unfair, we didn't do anything to deserve this, that you can't just suddenly create new jobs out of nothing, there aren't people complaining that it's not right, we didn't get jobs at the new company. No, people accept it with great fanfare. Great, the economy is growing, our town will prosper! People will have more money, there'll be less unemployment, we'll be able to afford a higher standard of living.

And yet when, after 40 years, the company goes out of business or moves their production to a cheaper location, people say this is outrageous, 1000 jobs will be lost! There's anger and pandemonium, how can they do this to us, we were loyal to the company for 40 years. People appeal to some sort of higher ethical body; you can't take our livelihood away, what are we going to do with ourselves? And the town itself, which never had much industry, and really just had that one company that employed everyone in town, starts to regress. People move out in search of jobs, young people leave and don't come back, noone moves in because there's no local economy.

It's a sensitive topic. Losing your livelihood is one of the more challenging life situations. But before you start screaming that it's those damn crooked politicians and those greedy executives that have stolen your life, take a moment to think about why you had that job in the first place. In fact, let's start with the basics: what does it mean to have a job?

It means that you are producing a product or offering a service that someone is willing to buy. It does not mean any of these things:

  1. Someone is being nice to you.
  2. You deserve this.
  3. You're going to keep your job because you've been loyal to the company.

If you actually believed any of that then you were under a complete misapprehension. Sure, sentimental concerns do come into it sometimes, like the boss's son getting a summer job because he's family. But in the long run, the only thing that matters is the economic reality.

If you think that's a raw deal, think about this. Most artists aren't wealthy, in fact most artists are struggling to get enough work to live on. A painter may think that he deserves to live a decent life as a painter, but if noone is willing to buy his work, well he's not going to. Is that unfair? No, it isn't, because if he's not producing anything of value, why should anyone have to pay to keep him in business? So if a painter can't do the job he wants to, why should it be any different for you making shoes, or catching fish, or whatever it is you do?

There used to be people working in elevators who would press the buttons. We don't need them anymore. Shepherds aren't in great demand either. Neither are telegraph operators. These professions have all be superseded and they're not coming back. Many others still exist, but have been moved to where production is cheaper, like textiles.

It's always a turbulent transition, you can be sure of that. We don't have hunters anymore, we have domesticated animals now, no need to chase them in the woods. Think about how many hunters were out of work when this happened. But what should they have done, lynch the guy who came up with the idea of keeping animals on the property? Compared to the hunters' relatively narrow interests (although there were many of them), domestic animals were very beneficial to the village. For one thing, you didn't wonder where dinner was coming from, the animals were right there. So should the villagers have discarded this new idea just to make sure the hunters could keep their jobs?

I've got news for you. The very same thing you're protesting against, your job being taken away, you're doing the same thing to people everyday. That's right, you're not so innocent yourself. Have you ever bought a car from a different automaker, because it was cheaper? Did you ever buy peaches from Spain instead of domestic apples? Well, I'm sure it must have been a very gruelling decision for you, right? I mean to think that you could be putting car makers and farmers out of business because you're not buying their products, that's a tough one to swallow.

And what did you get out of it? You could afford to buy more things, because the new products were cheaper. And they didn't break as quick, so you could use them longer. And they had some functions that the old products didn't have, which made you happy. And just as this was happening, the old companies that couldn't stay competitive were going out of business one by one, people were losing their jobs. But hey, you got a pretty good deal out of it, didn't you?

Here's what it comes down to. You're not entitled to your job. You'll only have it for as long as people are willing to buy your product. And even if you've had it for 40 years, that doesn't mean the global market won't make it obsolete tomorrow. There was a demand for your product, now there isn't. You didn't do anything to deserve getting it, and you didn't do anything to deserve losing it.

ethical standards for forum moderators

May 14th, 2008

There is a memorable dialog in Gladiator that contains a wealth of wisdom.

Marcus Aurelius: Will you accept this great honor that I have offered you?
Maximus: With all my heart, no.
Marcus Aurelius: Maximus... that is why it must be you.
Maximus: And Commodus?
Marcus Aurelius: Commodus is not a moral man. Commodus cannot rule. He must not rule.

'the likes of'

May 12th, 2008

I hate this phrase. Not because I have a problem with it per se, but because people always use it wrong. They read it in some article, decided to use it themselves, and even though they know what it means, they use it incorrectly.

The likes of introduces a comparison. You wish to describe a set of elements by exemplifying a couple of them. It's exactly like a mathematical series. Do you remember those problems from school?

1, 4, 9, ...

The first three numbers describe this series uniquely, it can only have one possible solution. The solution for an is n2. That is, if you apply the formula n2 for every n, then you get

12, 22, 32, 42, 52, ...

equal to

1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...

and hence the series is solved.

And this is exactly what the likes of means as well. It defines a set more or less uniquely (without mathematical rigor, of course), so that the set does not have to be stated in its entirety. So what's the problem? There are two ways in which this phrased is misused.

Stating the full set

sorting algorithms

May 12th, 2008

People always seem to say that datastructures and algorithms are supposed to be embarrassingly obvious to anyone who's a coder. I wonder to what extent this is actually the case. I recall taking a course on this way back in college when I wasn't quite ready for it yet, of which not a whole lot remains in memory.

So I thought it would be fun to revisit that stuff and write some of the algorithms. As a bonus, why not write them in c, a language I know almost nothing about, just to add some spice to the menu. The way I was doing is I would look up the algorithm on 'pedia, figure out what it does, and then try to write it. And if I got totally stuck I would peer at the code to debug my broken mental model. This only happened once.

From the outset, I was thinking that it would be useful to compare them on performance as well, so timing would definitely be involved. I remember we did some timing back in college, which was pretty amateurish. Clocking runtimes and curve fitting, that was lame. It doesn't address the core of the problem. We don't actually care whether an algorithm is fast or slow, that's not the point. What we're really interested in is how much work it's doing. Speed is just a function of that. Naive algorithms do too much work, they go grocery shopping and leave the shopping list at home, so they have to go home and back for every item to see what it was.

So taking that concern into account, I devised a simple struct to accumulate some metrics as the algorithm is executing. cmp stores the number of comparisons made during execution, ie. comparing elements of the array against each other. ass stores the number of assignments of array elements. rec stores the number of function calls to the particular function (interesting when functions are recursive). Finally, unit and ulen are just type variables that define the type of array elements and array indexes (lengths) respectively.

typedef unsigned long unit;
typedef unsigned long ulen;

typedef struct {
	char *name;
	ulen cmp;
	ulen ass;
	ulen rec;
} Metrics;

With that out of the way, the data types should be clear (as clear as they'll ever be I guess). I actually did it this way so I could switch the type in just one place while I was playing with it. (It's a bit easier to see if a few shorts are in order before you go to large datasets and want a wide value space.)

Before we move along to the algorithms themselves, one thing to consider is what sort of data they'll be sorting. Different algorithms have different performance characteristics depending on how much of the data is already sorted. I decided it would be most instructive to give them a real workout, so I'm feeding data from /dev/urandom. This is essentially the worst case scenario, the data is pretty damn random and the stats below reflect this.

One last thing. In order to collect metrics the algorithms were mildly instrumented. I've tried to make this as unintrusive as possible, but it necessarily adds a line here and there. I'm not sure if the metrics are exactly right, but they should at least give you a decent order-of-magnitude idea.

Bubble sort

The first algorithm making an appearance is bubble sort. What bubble sort does is start at the beginning of the array, and repeat the same action for each position in the array. It takes the element that is found there, and if it's larger than the element on the right, it swaps them. And then it keeps swapping up the array until it finds a neighbor that isn't smaller. Once that happens, it moves on to the next position in the array.

It turns out that when you do this for each position in the array, you get all the elements in order. If you're still skeptical think of it this way. The largest element will have been swapped all the way to the end, so it's definitely in order. The smallest element, no matter where it happened to start out, will have been swapped past by all the larger elements to its left, so it eventually ends up at the very beginning. And the same holds for all the elements in between.

Metrics bubblesort(unit *arr, ulen length) {
	Metrics ms = {"bubblesort", 0, 0, 1};
	ulen swaps = 1;
	unit swap;
	for(ulen i=0; i<length-1 && swaps > 0; i++) {
		swaps = 0;
		for (ulen j=0; j<length-1; j++, ms.cmp++) {
			if (arr[j] > arr[j+1]) {
				swaps += 3;
				swap = arr[j];
				arr[j] = arr[j+1];
				arr[j+1] = swap;
		ms.ass += swaps;
	return ms;

=== bubblesort ===
n          : 100000
n*log(n)   : 1660964
n^2        : 10000000000
calls      : 1
comparisons: 9938500614
assignments: 7498934958
runtime    : 30.540000s

As you'll have spotted, ms is the variable carrying the metrics, so any reference to ms.something has to do with collecting metrics, the rest is algorithm logic. Below the code is the metric listing I computed. Just to keep it consistent all these runs were done on 100,000 item arrays. For your convenience, there are also the values for n2 and n·log(n), useful reference points for sorting algorithms.

This algorithm stops working once it determines that no more sorting is necessary. In this case, you'll notice the number of comparisons made actually approaches n2, which is a pretty good indication that the data was quite random indeed. The assignments counter shows that the assignments in the innermost if block were executed once for every four comparisons. I would imagine that assignments are more expensive than comparisons, but I don't really know, and it's really an implementation detail. Obviously, the reason to make a comparison is to set the stage for an assignment, so the two numbers always follow in the same order of magnitude.

The runtime shows how long the algorithm took to execute, but it's a somewhat less useful measure, influenced as it is by how heavy the traffic was to the supermarket that day.

Selection sort

Selection sort works more the way that a human would sort things. It first scans the whole array for the smallest element, and then swaps it with the element in the first position. It then moves one slot over and again scans the rest of the array for the smallest element, swapping it into the second position. This obviously produces a sorted array.

Metrics selectionsort(unit *arr, ulen length) {
	Metrics ms = {"selectionsort", 0, 0, 1};
	unit swap;
	ulen cursor;
	for(ulen i=0; i<length-1; i++) {
		cursor = 0;
		for(ulen j=i+1; j<length; j++, ms.cmp+=2) {
			if (arr[i] > arr[j] && (cursor == 0 || arr[cursor] >= arr[j])) {
				cursor = j;
		if (cursor > 0) {
			swap = arr[i];
			arr[i] = arr[cursor];
			arr[cursor] = swap;
			ms.ass += 3;
	return ms;

=== selectionsort ===
n          : 100000
n*log(n)   : 1660964
n^2        : 10000000000
calls      : 1
comparisons: 9999900000
assignments: 299958
runtime    : 27.130000s

Sorting this way is more predictable, because after every pass in the sorting you know that you have a fully sorted sub array at the beginning that needs no further work. And therefore you know that the remainder of the array that is going to be scanned on every subsequent pass will shrink steadily. This is in contrast to bubble sort where even after coming half way you don't know how many comparisons will have to be made on the next pass.

But there is still a whole lot of comparisons to be made to find the smallest element each time. There are far fewer assignments, however, because the element once located is put in its final position.

Insertion sort

Insertion sort is rather different from the first two. Instead of working on the whole array and finding the global minimum, it sorts a growing part of the array for every pass. Starting at the beginning, it compares the element in the second position with the one in the first position and inserts it where it's supposed to go, either in position one or doing nothing (remains in position two). It then looks at the third element and inserts it where it's supposed to go, and so on.

The difference here is that the portion that has been sorted isn't final yet, because there are a bunch of elements remaining that will be inserted somewhere in between those we have in order.

Metrics insertionsort(unit *arr, ulen length) {
	Metrics ms = {"insertionsort", 0, 0, 1};
	ulen j;
	unit swap;
	for(ulen i=1; i<length; i++, ms.ass+=2) {
		swap = arr[i];
		for(j=i-1; ms.cmp++, j>=0 && arr[j] > swap; j--, ms.ass++) {
			arr[j+1] = arr[j];
		arr[j+1] = swap;
	return ms;

=== insertionsort ===
n          : 100000
n*log(n)   : 1660964
n^2        : 10000000000
calls      : 1
comparisons: 2499744985
assignments: 2499844984
runtime    : 3.860000s

Insertion sort is substantially more efficient, and the big win comes from not looking at the whole array to find the right element. Instead, elements are admitted in the order they stand, and put away in the right place. This dramatically reduces the number of comparisons and assignments alike. However, there is still the undesirable case of having to insert a small element near the beginning of a long sorted sub array, having to move all the elements to the right up the array, by one.

But even though it is more clever, we can't get away from the fact that insertion sort is still an O(n2) algorithm, as the numbers show.


In order to break the n2 barrier we have to look at algorithms that actually guarantee never having to look through the whole array, because that's what really takes a lot of work. Quicksort is an odd one, because it doesn't give this guarantee, but it's sufficiently unpredictable to almost never have to do this.

Here's how it works. It picks a random element called the pivot. This can be any element really, in our case it will be the first one in the array. Now what we want to achieve is that the pivot is put in the right place. So we run through the whole array (but just the first time!) and assemble two new arrays, for those elements smaller than the pivot, and those greater. We don't know anything else about the elements in these two sub lists, only that they are on either side of the pivot. But by now we've already moved all the elements that belong to the left of the pivot over to that side, and vice versa. Which means that we can sort the two halves independently. So for each half we again choose a pivot, assemble two sub lists, and so on.

Eventually this division gives two sub arrays of just one element, with a pivot in the middle, which don't have to be sorted any further. So then we're all done, and we just collect all the sub results into one array.

Metrics quicksort(unit *arr, ulen length) {
	Metrics ms = {"quicksort", 0, 0, 1};
	if (length > 1) {
		unit pivot = arr[0];

		unit *left = malloc(length * sizeof(unit));
		unit *right = malloc(length * sizeof(unit));

		ulen l = 0, r = 0;
		for(ulen i=1; i<length; i++, ms.cmp++, ms.ass++) {
			if (arr[i] < pivot) {
				left[l++] = arr[i];
			} else {
				right[r++] = arr[i];

		arr[l] = pivot;
		memcpy(arr, left, l * sizeof(unit));
		memcpy(&arr[l+1], right, r * sizeof(unit));


		Metrics lms = quicksort(arr, l);
		Metrics rms = quicksort(&arr[l+1], r);

		ms.cmp += lms.cmp + rms.cmp;
		ms.ass += lms.ass + rms.ass + length + 1;
		ms.rec += lms.rec + rms.rec;
	return ms;

=== quicksort ===
n          : 100000
n*log(n)   : 1660964
n^2        : 10000000000
calls      : 133599
comparisons: 1923150
assignments: 3979898
runtime    : 0.040000s

What makes the implementation a bit complicated is that it's an in-place sort, so every time we have a pivot and a pair of sub arrays ready, we copy them back into the original array, overwriting it. Quicksort is a bit simpler when it returns a new array, but just to make it consistent with the other algorithms (which are in-place), we do it this way.

Since this is a recursive algorithm, the number of times it gets called depends on the length of the array. We want this number to be high. That might seem strange at first, but we know that the more calls we have, the more evenly we're dividing the array each time, ie. the quicker it's going to get shorter. Recall that at every step we need to scan the entire current sub array so that we can move the pivot into the middle position. And that is a lot of work, so if the sub arrays are half as large each time, this won't be so bad, but if they decrease by only one element (ie. the pivot is always at the very end), it's going to be very tiresome. Notice that the number of comparisons is still a lot higher than the number of calls, so we can afford to maximize the calls. What we get out of it is more calls that each do less work, rather than fewer calls that each do more work.

To make this more concrete, let's look at it more carefully. If we divide the array evenly each time, we first get 1 call on the whole array, then 2 calls on the two halves, then 4 and so on. This gives a total of Sum(2x,1,m), where m = log2n, ie. around 260,000 calls (with m = log2100,000 ~= 17). This must also be the upper bound for the number of calls possible, because if you divide each piece up evenly then they cannot possibly be subdivided any more. On the other hand, if we were unfortunate to choose the pivot on the end of the array each time, we would have 100,000 calls, but each call would do much more work, and we'd be back in n2 territory.

This is why Quicksort isn't guaranteed to do n·log(n) work, it depends on the input data (random data will cause the pivot to be chosen randomly, whereas on [mostly] sorted data the algorithm should make sure the pivot is chosen at random).

Merge sort

What we've seen so far is that a recursive algorithm should maximize the number of calls to minimize the amount of work on each call. Merge sort is an algorithm that takes this to heart. It's less chaotic and more structured than Quicksort, because it always sub divides into equal chunks.

Here's how it goes. First we divide the array in subsequent calls into halves. Once we have arrays of size 1, we start merging each pair of arrays into one. When we're merging we know that each half that needs to be merged is sorted internally. So we take the head of each half, compare the two elements, and stick the smallest one in the result array. We continue this as long as we have elements left in both halves. Once we run out, we know that the half that remains belongs on the end of the result array. And so we're merged two halves into one, which keeps on going until the whole array has been put back together.

Metrics mergesort(unit *arr, ulen length) {
	Metrics ms = {"mergesort", 0, 0, 1};
	if (length > 1) {
		ulen mid = length / 2;
		Metrics rms = mergesort(arr, mid);
		Metrics lms = mergesort(&arr[mid], length-mid);

		unit *temp = malloc(length * sizeof(unit)); 

		ulen i, l = 0, r = mid;
		for(i=0; i<length && l < mid && r < length; i++, ms.cmp++, ms.ass++) {
			if (arr[l] < arr[r]) {
				temp[i] = arr[l++];
			} else {
				temp[i] = arr[r++];
		if (l < mid)
			memcpy(&temp[i], &arr[l], (length-i) * sizeof(unit));
		if (r < length)
			memcpy(&temp[i], &arr[r], (length-i) * sizeof(unit));

		memcpy(arr, temp, length * sizeof(unit));

		ms.cmp += lms.cmp + rms.cmp;
		ms.ass += lms.ass + rms.ass + (length - i) + length;
		ms.rec += lms.rec + rms.rec;
	return ms;

=== mergesort ===
n          : 100000
n*log(n)   : 1660964
n^2        : 10000000000
calls      : 199999
comparisons: 1536114
assignments: 3337856
runtime    : 0.040000s

Here again we gradually overwrite the input array with chunks of sorted elements. This is safe, because at each stage we're working with half the previous array, which we know isn't affected by what happens in the other half. Once both halves are sorted, we merge them together into a temporary result array, and once that is done, write that back over the input array.

As with Quicksort before, rather than iterate over elements in order to copy them across from one array to another verbatim, we use the helpful memcpy function, which probably is a bit faster. But we still count the number of assignments in terms of how many actual elements are being copied when this happens.

Unlike Quicksort, we actually have more calls with this algorithm. There are two reasons for this: a) we don't have pivot elements, so there are more elements to sub divide, and b) the division is exactly symmetrical. This reduces the number of comparisons and gets us right under the n·log(n) limit, officially in logarithmic territory.

So there you have it, 5 different sorting algorithms, each with their own special characteristic. Want to take a closer look? Here is the whole thing:


Build with:

gcc -std=c99 -lm sorting.c

Unfortunately, noone has yet been clever enough to discover a general sorting algorithm that would only do n work. But as should be plain by now, n·log(n) is a dramatic improvement over n2. When in doubt just remember: lazy is better. If you had to do this by hand you'd be lazy and figure out a way to get paid the same money for less work, so let your program get the same deal. ;)

EDIT: Fixed a mistake in the selection sort algorithm.

UPDATE: I just realized this code doesn't run particularly well on x86, because the int data types start to overflow, long just isn't long enough. I didn't notice this as I was running on x86_64.

why you'll never have security with Microsoft

May 6th, 2008

Here's the thing. I hate stating the obvious. It really annoys me. On the other hand, obvious things are sometimes things that most need to be repeated. So I wrestle with myself and I finally decide that I should, because there is a shockingly large number of people out there who don't realize how obvious this is. See if you can learn something from this mock dialog.

Vendor: Good morning, is this Harry, the CTO*, I'm speaking to?
Client: Yes, how may I help you?
Vendor: Hey Harry, this is Steve from Microsoft. I would like to talk to you about Windows Vista.
Client: What's that?
Vendor: Why, it's the brand new version of our Windows operating system.
Client: Oh, that.
Vendor: I was wondering if I could interest you in our product.
Client: You know what, I don't think so, we are a very security sensitive company, and..
Vendor: But that's precisely the reason I'm calling, I would like to tell you how you can enhance your security with Windows Vista. You see, we've built the operating system with security in mind and it's the state of the art in operating systems.
Client: Hey, that sounds pretty exciting. So how does this work now, you ship us the source code and...
Vendor: No no, we don't distribute the source code.
Client: You don't?!?
Vendor: No, you see it's a trade secret. (my precious etc)
Client: You're kidding, right?
Vendor: No, really.
Client: So how do we know that it's actually secure if we can't see for ourselves? How do we know there isn't anything malicious in it?
Vendor: Well you'll just have to trust us.
*Harry hangs up*
Vendor: Hello? Harry?
*CTO - the highest placed person who makes technical decisions in a company.

How did it go? Did you get it? It was kind of a long thing, huh? Ok, stop racking your brains, I'll give you the answer: no source code, no security.

Here's how that works. It's simple economics, so try to keep up. If they give you the source code, then they put their cards on the table. You can see what the code does, and if it's doing something stupid (security hole) or nasty (like sending your data to back to the vendor), then you'll be able to check for this. Now you may say "I don't know how to check", and that's okay. But just by giving you the source code the vendor knows that you can see everything the code is doing. And if you find something nasty in there, they know you'll never trust them again. So it doesn't really matter if *you* don't know how to check, because there are others who do, and sooner or later someone will find the nasty code if it's in there. Thus, if the vendor gives you the source code, then he'll be a lot more careful about what's in there, because he's risking losing your trust and your business forever. That will keep him honest.

Is there then anything surprising about finding out that Microsoft is putting in backdoors in Windows? No, because how would you know it's there? You don't have the source code! In case you were wondering, the words "security" and "backdoor" are mutually exclusive.

So what have we learned today? Is there somehow we could summarize all this in just one sentence? There is: If you want security, ask for the source code. If you can't get the source code, you know that the vendor isn't taking security seriously.