On the one hand, we measure database query latency in milliseconds. On the other hand, a read from L1 cache costs less than a nanosecond. That got me thinking that there is a pretty big spectrum in between the two. I wonder how much time typical language constructs cost. Just as a reminder, here is the typical list of important timings:
0.5 ns read from L1 cache
1 ns execute cpu instruction
7 ns read from L2 cache
100 ns read from memory
20,000 ns transmit over local network
8,000,000 ns read from disk
150,000,000 ns transmit over the internet Europe -> US
1,000,000,000 ns one second
There happens to be a really easy way to do a quick and dirty measurement using ipython, with its built-in timing feature. It takes an expression that it will execute a number of times, depending on how long it takes, with an upper bound in seconds. So for really trivial expressions you get a large number of repetitions:
In [66]: %timeit 1+2
10000000 loops, best of 3: 20.7 ns per loop
The catch is that timeit expects an expression, so the simplest way to get around that is to make every test a function call, and in there we can run arbitrary expressions and statements alike. The baseline will then be a function with an empty body.
Here are the results from my cpython 2.7.3:
5 ns assignment
4 ns integer_addition
10 ns string_concat
5 ns string_interpolate
35 ns dict_lookup
77 ns list_comprehension
22 ns branch
1,095 ns try_catch
86,895 ns create_class
97 ns instantiate_class
135 ns call_method
105 ns call_function
217 ns get_current_time
1,745 ns get_current_date
Clearly this leaves a lot to be desired from a methodological standpoint. The reference list of latencies is not scaled to my laptop in particular, plus we are adding the overhead of a function call to every measurement (and then trying to subtract it out), but at least it's constant across all measurements. At best these numbers are a rough indication of how much things cost, but that's good enough for our purpose.
Finally, here is the code:
def call_function(): # 105ns
def create_class(): # 87us
class C(object):
class D(object):
def meth(self):
def instantiate_class(): # 202ns
d = D()
def call_method(): # 240ns
def assignment(): # 110ns
a = 1
def branch(): # 127ns
if True:
def try_catch(): # 1.2us
raise Exception
def integer_addition(): # 109ns
1 + 2
def string_concat(): # 115ns
"a" + "b"
def string_interpolate(): # 110ns
"a%s" % "b"
d = {'a': 1}
def dict_lookup(): # 140ns
l = []
def list_comprehension(): # 182ns
[x for x in l]
import time
def get_current_time(): # 322ns
from datetime import datetime
def get_current_date(): # 1.85us